Shattered Glass Sculptures
Jennifer Stang Eickemeyer
Exquisite portraits and original pieces in shards of glass

The Artist and Glass
Few materials glisten and excite the eye as much as glass and crystals. As light bends through its contours, glass speaks to us in a different, sparkling language.
Jennifer, the artist, was captivated by the unique beauty of glass as a little girl as she gazed into her aunt’s magnificent chandelier. Now, with a deep love for nature, Jen uses the enrapturing material in its raw, broken state to create one-of-a-kind sculptures of flowers, animals and natural scenes.
Exotic. Personal. Striking.
Each sculpture is unique. A solid, wooden core is enrobed with carefully selected, complementary shards of glass to bring an endearing life quality to each piece.
The pièce de résistance is the “wow" factor as contrasting emotions are elicited from the imaginative art. Photographs only begin to bring a touch of the excitement people feel when they experience the brilliance and movement of this art in person. When one realizes that the sweet, graceful, and colorful pieces are comprised of what is usually considered dangerous, formidable glass, emotions are tangled and heightened.
These museum-quality sculptures will enhance the beauty of your home, touch your heart, and make an unforgettable gift for a special person.